Word Count : 800 words
The history of the White Australia Policy is important in articulating current cultural configurations, identity, power, and privilege. In this Assessment, students will be required to conduct research and read about the ‘White Australia Policy’ which came into effect in 1901 and renounced in 1973. Given that its over 50 years since the policy was renounced, let us reflect on whether Australia has made progress in its contemporary constructions of culture and cultural differences.
In your short essay, use the structure provided below:
Overview (200 words)
Briefly describe what the key aspects/agenda of the White Australia policy were? (For example, what sort of ‘Australia was imagined or envisioned’ (national identity) in this policy and why, how was it going to be achieved?
Body/ Main text (500 words)
How was the Australian culture conceptualised in the ‘White Australia Policy’ (think about cultural values and traits, who was considered Australian? What were the cultural fears or intentions or arguments posed by the framers of this policy?
There are arguments in the wider society that the White Australia Policy has continued to shape the current observed patterns of cultural differences, identity, and power in Australia. Do you agree/disagree with this perspective? Research and present evidence to support your position. (Focus on First Nations people).
Conclusion (100 words)
Overall, what is the one key lesson you have learned from this policy, and how does it contribute to your understanding of the subject ‘Working with cultural differences?’ Elaborate on your response.
Include a minimum of THREE scholarly references (including at least two of the recommended essential readings for this assessment).
Reference style: APA referencing